The South West Actor's Network
Connecting Actors across the South West Peninsula by Offering Continued Professional Development & Authentic, Meaningful Networking...
Inspired by conversations with a number of actors feeling isolated and disconnected in the region, in 2020, The Wheel launched the South West Actors Network; to build connections between individuals, organisations and acting communities across the South West of England. It’s a low cost subscription service which offers actors opportunities for continuing professional development, creative networking and a sense of being part of a larger community. For employers we offer a free and easy one stop shop service to access the network of professional actors living in the South West Peninsula.
For Employers...
Looking to employ actors in the region?
We have a strong growing network of professional actors that are based in the South West, therefore we can offer great access to getting your postings and jobs directly to our members throughout the peninsula.
Our members are all working professional actors, so we value and prioritise paid professional work however low pay and expenses only opportunities will also be shared if the job offer is clear, transparent and respectful of the actor's career.
We also have a network of training and emerging actors, so we can share unpaid opportunities through this network if appropriate.
If you have any opportunities and/or jobs you would like us to circulate throughout the network, please send the full job description and casting breakdown through to kev@thewheel.org.uk if you are unsure what to include just email and can clarify this with you.
Other services for employers
We are always interested in conversations with employers and are open to discussions to work on a number of projects, just email kev@thewheel.org.uk
We can offer, a full casting service, consultancy, actor coaching, movement direction, director of actors services, director of child actors service.
For South West Based Actors...
Members Receive:
Occasional bulletins which may include; highlights of what’s on in the region with opportunities for members to share their upcoming events; links to CPD opportunities both regionally and nationally; news about relevant opportunities or developments in the region; creative features (articles or videos to offer inspiration and reignite creativity); plus anything else you think might be useful.
Casting breakdowns and job opportunities in the region as and when they arrive, plus priority information about our own castings and productions.
Opportunity to join our casting database for quick casting turnarounds that might come in.
Authentic and practical networking opportunities
Priority booking and discount offers for workshops hosted by The Wheel and any other partner organisations (we will look to negotiate ticket offers with venues in the region)
To join the Network you must be over 18 and should have;
Two professional acting credits or have a Spotlight profile or have graduated from a full time Acting training course in the last two years. If you are unsure if you meet this criteria, please email swan@thewheel.org.uk. If you don’t yet meet the criteria and are interested in our part time training offer please click here
To sign up please fill in the subscription form and send it to swan@thewheel.org.uk
Membership is just £18 for a year.
Email swan@thewheel.org.uk if you have any questions